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What Do Eyeglasses Really do: Understanding Far and Short Sightedness

Vision problems are a fairly common problem. It can happen to anyone and at any age, there’s no telling when it might hit. There are two basic types of eye-related problems, nearsightedness or farsightedness where people have problems focusing on objects that are close and/or far-off into the distance.


It’s nothing to be worried about really, these can be fixed if you get prescription glasses for yourself. These glasses will help you focus on objects and will also alleviate symptoms you may be experiencing.

How Does the Eye Work?

When you look at any object, your eye focuses on it and light travels from the object to land on the retina. The nerves which connect the eye to the brain then render an image of the object. For you to see clearly, the light must focus correctly on the retina or you will experience vision problems.

Vision Problems and How Do Eyeglasses Correct These

Vision problems usually occur because of refraction errors where the light passing through the lens in the eye is bent at odd angles to not focus properly on the retina. As a result, you can’t focus on an object accurately enough to see it clearly.  

This refractory dysfunction is compensated through the use of eyeglasses which can bend the light in a way that it forms a clear image on the retina. The lens on your eyeglasses bends the light before it passes through your eyes to ensure clear image formation on the retina.

The Various Types of Eyeglasses

There are three different types of eyeglasses that can be prescribed depending on the type of vision problems you have. These are:

Convex Lenses or positive lenses: These are used to correct farsightedness. When you’re farsighted, the light focuses behind the retina. Eyeglasses with convex lenses move the focal point backwards to make sure that the light rays focus closer to retina and you can see clearly.

Concave Lenses or negative lenses : These are used to correct nearsightedness. In such a situation, the light is focused in front of the retina. With a concave lens the light is bent in a way to bring the focal point onto the retina

Dr. Gilberg and Associates offer expert eye-treatment services in North Miami. Our services include contact lens examinations, digital eye tests and emergency eye care for numerous eye-related conditions. Get in touch with us today for more information on our services.

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