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Eye Problems and Phone Screens—what is the Connection?


Follow our instructions. Close your eyes and let your eyelids relax. Roll your eyes five times gently. Look to the left, look to the right. Then open them.

You just gave your peepers some much-needed downtime!

Given that we spend up to 11 hours just staring at screens (your phone, laptop, work computer, tablet, television etc); your eyes get a big workout on a daily basis. But they don’t get the love they deserve! And that’s where the issue lies.


How Screens Affect Your Eyesight

Let’s start with the most common problem — dryness.

Normally, we blink 15 times per minute. Blinking is necessary since it allows the tears to spread evenly across and over your eyes, thus keeping them moist and protected.

But when we’re using a screen for reading, playing, or just watching something, we blink less. Perhaps that’s because of the level of focus required. And that causes your eyes to dry out.

If you feel some irritation or dryness, it’s most likely because you haven’t blinked in quite a while.


Other Problems Related to Screen Usage

A significant portion of the population has reported something known as ‘digital eye strain,’ which is the result of staring at a screen for a prolonged period of time — typically two hours or more. During this time, your eyes focus and refocus as you read the content, taking in the glare and the contrast of the text against the typically white background and the flickering of the screen.

This digital eye strain causes a number of symptoms, the chief of which is eye strain. But alongside, people have also reported other issues such as neck and shoulder pain, headaches, blurred vision, as well as dry eyes.

Where Your Phone Comes in

All phones emit a light known as blue light. Although environmentally friendly, this light does more harm than good for our health. According to research, this blue light inhibits our body’s ability to release melatonin, which is something we need to regulate our sleep.

When we use our phones (especially around bedtime), this light creates the impression to our body that it’s still day time, which keeps us from relaxing. It should also be noted that blue light goes right into our retinas, since it’s not filtered by our cornea and lens. And that exposure causes exhaustion, especially if you’ve been staring at screens all day.

What Can Be Done to Improve Your Eyes?

Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at an object that’s 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to give your eyes some rest.

Also, have your eyes checked by best optometrist in miami every time you feel any persistent irritation. As a leading eye clinic, Dr. Gilberg & Associates is one of the most reliable eye doctors for all eye-related problems.

So if you’re in North Miami, set an appointment. We will have your eye issue handled in no time!

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